Red Key Club: Creating a Client Retention Strategy (Virtual Class)

Creating a Client Retention Strategy

May 2, 2020

10am to 12pm PDT


If you’re looking to build a sustainable business, then having a client retention strategy is critical. It’s tough to be successful if you’re constantly hustling for new applicants.

This isn’t about being sneaky, or sleazy, or stringing clients along. Ethical business practices aren’t only the right thing to do, but they’re the best way to build a long-term career.

Instead you’ll use anticipation, marketing psychology, systems, and other tools to create a “session cycle” that inspires and motivates your clients to return for repeat visits and additional patronage.

This virtual, interactive class will be about 2 hours and will include both structured content and plenty of time for you to ask questions and get personalized feedback.

Become a Red Key Club Patreon member to join the live class and have access to the recording!


What’s the Red Key Club?

The RKC is my new project, an industry only “limited-time business and marketing school for ProDommes, Pro Switches, PSO’s, Cam Models, and other SW’s” that will be running for the next 4-6 months on Patreon.

When you become a Red Key Club member you get access to:

  • Monthly virtual class with handouts
  • Monthly “Office Hours” Q&A (2nd Friday of the month)
  • Recordings and handouts from all previous live sessions
  • Sneak-peek worksheets from the development of my new book, The ProDomme Playbook
  • Other insightful ideas I haven’t even thought of yet!