
Dear Princess Kali, 

Thank you kindly for the [Dark Odyssey] class this evening. It’s not technically a scene, but I know well the mental and physical preparation for delivering a talk like yours, and especially since you wore the tiara, I think it qualifies for a thank you note. 

It was a phenomenal class. My friends and I had a grand time and came away as more informed and thoughtful participants in our play. Your kindness, thoughts, and attention are well and truly appreciated.

- N


Hi Princess Kali! I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful classes you taught this weekend! I loved your humiliation play class at COPE, and the [private class] you gave was absolutely amazing. You gave me one of those "click" moments that I was talking about :) I feel like I now have some wonderful tools to help me grow as a kinkster and to help me negotiate amazing scenes.

- nameless_rose


I so enjoyed Your very informative, interactive, energetic & engaging online class today! Findom no different than any other kink IMO. All about context, intent and consent. You enthusiastically showed great ways to make it fun, practical & rewarding to those wishing to explore. 

- Chris


[Your findom class] was an awesome class. You are definitely one of the few educators who are tackling the tough BDSM topics and just diving in. Your years of experience really show when you teach. I am so thankful for your knowledge!

 - Kelle Martina


Thank You so much for presenting over the weekend. I greatly enjoyed your class. You helped me think of new ideas to unleash my sadistic side and cant wait to try them out. I loved your energy, personality and stories. 

- LD


Fabulous class! Great info delivered with enthusiasm. I loved all the practical content & examples [giving me] ideas to build off of. Great emphasis on the myth of D/s versus the reality & how to communicate to keep things interesting without dropping roles. I will definitely recommend your classes!

- Dr_Green


"Thank you for a great [Authentic Domination] class last night. I identify as a submissive and found the insights into the Dominants views very helpful. I feel I walked away with new tools to help with better communication and understanding in my relationships."

 - Ms Mode


"Thank you for your class at IMsL; I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd never been to a Humiliation/Degradation class before, so I really learned a lot. The most interesting part was learning about different levels/intensities of play in the spectrum, and all the options that were available." 

- Cricket



"[Your Ethical Financial Domination class] was my first experience with an online course in kink dynamics, although I have been to classes and conferences before. It may seem a little cost prohibitive but if you put these tips into practice you can recoup the investment in as little as a week (like I did). But more importantly you will learn how to play with money in a way that is ethical, safe and keeps your dynamic engaging and ongoing. 

Oh the myth of #findom. Is it really money for nothing? Could this be the most misunderstood fetish? I used to dismiss it as invalid too until I experienced the rush and arousal messaging someone and having him pay me whenever I demanded. Those orgasms convinced me that is was legitimate and I, indeed, had it. But just like I wouldn't pick up an implement and use it without knowing what I'm doing, I wanted to solidify my control before I let my sex drive go wild. This course gave me the confidence, tools and mindset to play in a way that is sustainable and build-able over time. 

I'm excited now to be myself while I play with money instead of trying to be something like the twitter findommes. This course really helped see the nuance and beautiful range of expression, from both dominant and submissive, that this fetish can encompass."

- OctoGoddess


What a wonderful, dynamic and powerful presentation at Dark Odyssey! We are absolutely going to get your book and workbook. Your experience is very valuable and we found it immediately helpful.

- Mike


Hi Princess Kali,

Thank you so much for the wonderful class on humiliation yesterday evening. It was very educational and entertaining (your stories were hilarious!). I look forward to reading your book Enough to Make You Blush and any other books you write in the future.

- A


"I've been in the kink scene for about four years, and attended quite a few conventions and classes.  "Becoming a Sexually Dominant Woman" by Princess Kali has been by far one of the most influential of them all.  Princess Kali taught me to embrace the dominant side of myself, rather than fall into the trap of believing that being an assertive woman means being "bitchy."  This class quite literally changed my life, both in the bedroom and at work, where I've learned to stop being apologetic for having an opinion. I highly recommend this class!

- kaminaru


"Wow. I don't know what you said to my Sir (Kpower) during your workshop at Eagle Leather last week but she came home with ideas and motivation to play and has had me spaced out for days. Thank you!

That continued after we came to your Training a Service Submissive yesterday. We loved your style, information and humor. Lots of fun! :-) I only wish we could make it today, or that you were doing more sessions. We'll keep an eye out for your return." 

- teo--K (Oz Kink Fest)


Ready to work with Kali? Personal kink coaching and group classes are available.

From the class feedback forms at Dark Odyssey Winter Fire 2014

  • Loved Kali’s comments about not liking rope bondage.  It can be nice to feel affirmed that I’m not the only one that likes mental bondage.
  • I don’t know if I want to BE you or be humiliated by you!
  • SHE WAS AWESOME.  If I wasn’t interested in the topic I’d still go to hear her speak.
  • Loved it!
  • She’s Awesome!
  • Great!
  • It was entertaining and hilarious. Shay & Stefano should watch out b/c their “Vegas Act” has some serious competition.
  • Princess Kali, you are Fucking Amazing! Thanks for the girl-boners.
  • Awesome!
  • Bring back her Lazy Dom class.  I want all Kali all day.
  • Your workshops were fantastic! Thank you for giving so much usable information.


"Your personality, your style, your class, your education, and your amazing ability to give and communicate. You are a treasure my dear. A treasure."   

- TexasGinger


“What a treat tonight was. I found your class very instructional and it opened my mind to some new concepts and thoughts towards role-play.

[Roleplay] is something that doesn't come naturally for a lot of us. Your repetition of some basic tools to get through a scene was very helpful.

As a top/D I particularly like how you made it okay to be in a position of receiving sensation and still be in a dominant role."

- Sir Jax Sir


"As someone who has been super-kinky my whole life, I've always had a hidden part of myself that I was ashamed of.  In the last few years, I've grown more and more accepting of who I am and I just wanted to say that your talk meant a lot to me.  You're a fantastic speaker, very funny, and just a great person in general. I hope that one day, I may be as confident in myself as you are in yours."

- a student from the inaugural Stanford Kardinal Kink presentation


"Thank you so much for a wonderful fun and informative class. I really enjoyed how animated and creative you were. I will very much be on the look out for more.of your classes in the future! I really appreciated how engaged you were and offered me as a participant a chance to ask questions and share experiences. I also enjoyed how personal you were and shared your own experiences and stories. Thank you so much again for a wonderful evening. I look forward to seeing your wonderful face again!"

- Stormy


"Hi there. Just wanted to briefly write that I really enjoyed your talk on testing boundaries/limits, and to thank you for spending the time to share your insights.

Yours has been one of the more entertaining and engaging classes at the Citadel, in my opinion. A lot of the hosted talks, while certainly packed with great information, tend to feel like lectures. Yours was different; you sought interactivity with the rest of us. That was awesome."

-  C.S.


"I recently had the pleasure of attending Princess Kali’s Workshop for Dominant Women. I was struck by Kali’s enthusiasm, energy and insight. It’s clear that she is very well-versed in her subject matter, and she has the rare ability to communicate and teach what she knows. I will happily attend any workshop or seminar that Kali teaches in the future."

- Lisa


"Kali is a fantastic educator.  Not only is she a talented speaker with a great sense of humor, but she's also a presenter who gives her audience exactly what they want: insightful, practical advice that they can put to immediate use."

- Kristen Stubbs, Ph.D


"Princess Kali is always a funny, engaging speaker. Many people can do that. But what makes Princess Kali most valuable, and such a resource to the community, is the many, many ways she looks at a problem. She'll work with you to quantify or qualify what is exactly the problem, and then suggest ways that you can fix it. She inspired me to figure out how to fit M/s into my day, everyday, and it has been life changing."

- Amelia


“Princess Kali is an awesome presenter, she makes her points clear and concise and retouches over everything as she goes that allows for her points to sink in and stay vivid. Being in her class at FFF#38 was a pleasure, she handled all questions in a concise manner, without allowing them to sidetrack the main points of the class, and really made the material strike home to those in the class like myself.”

- Centurian


“I have been fortunate enough to attend 2 of Princess Kali's workshops. Both classes were very informative, well planned out and educational. I have found Princess Kali to be an exceptional speaker, thoroughly engaging and knowledgeable and really a pleasure to watch and listen to. She has a way of captivating an audience's attention while being interactive and humorous with them at the same time. They are always a pleasure to attend and look forward to learning more from her in the future. She is truly my favorite presenter at the NELA Fetish Flea and Fair.”

- Matt


"Thank you for your presentation and presence at the meeting. I am new in the kink world and I am loving exploring the exchange of power and play. And thank you for reminding folks that a sense of playfulness incorporated into your kink is important!

- Kristen


"I've attended several Princess Kali classes and have also demo'd for her. What stays with me is Princess Kali's intelligence, imagination, capacity for empathy and above all, authenticity. "

- Simon


“I was struck by Kali's clear articulation, infectious humor, and the ability to share her masterful understanding of BDSM power play dynamics in a way that was compelling and accessible. If Princess Kali is ever teaching in your town, don't miss her.”

- Savannah Sly


“Mistress Bianca and I have attended a number of classes held by Princess Kali, during the many years of appearances at the Fetish Flea market in Providence, RI. We both were engulfed by her charm and her creativeness in her teachings and attitude. She is a great dynamic presenter who also provides the class, with her willing subs to show her techniques to the class with.”

- semasssub


"My wife and I had the pleasure of sitting in Princess Kali's role playing class at Fetish Con this past weekend. The class was informative and interesting and some points I know will add to our fun. However, we would sit in on the same class again solely for the speaker alone. The Lovely Princess Kali in a school girl Kink Academy uniform was funny, sexy, and held our interest for an hour and a half. She was able to present the information along with specific examples and stories and be tremendously entertaining the entire time. If you have the chance to sit in on an event she is involved in, we would really suggest making it a can't miss.

- Mister Jordan


I wanted to thank you for seriously not taking yourself seriously. Nice to see some people out there just plain old having a good time. Your talk really got me thinking, and freed me from some traps. Things were great before, but now I got some new ideas, and just the gleam in my eye about the new ideas got my toy so excited she's begging me to come home early this weekend.

- D

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